AWA Communications
San Antonio, Texas

  Alana Woods  



An enigma

That's probably the best way to describe me. I've been told I defy categorization—and that's a good thing.

I love the written language. I have been a member of Toastmaster's International since 1991 to increase my command of the spoken language. From the age of 12 until 20, I aspired to be a beautiful private secretary just like Doris Day. Then I had my chance. It didn't take long to realize that wasn't the life for me. I hated fixing coffee, being at someone's beck and call, and generally kissing butts all day.

A college graduate

It only took me 30 years to graduate from college. It took me almost that long to decide what I wanted to be when I grew up. I finally graduated from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas, with a B.B.A. in Marketing. I loved practically every minute in college, and I love the marketing field—it's a perfect fit for me. I can use my intuition and what little imagination I have, and I learned how to enlist the talents and creativity of those who have them.

  • Web Design

  • Web Marketing

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Search Engine Marketing

  • Fundraising

  • Editing

  • Copywriting

  • Print Newsletter Design

  • Newsletter Production

  • E-Newsletter Design

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